by Deji Yesufu
The common sentiment among many in this clime is that the Christian preacher should not be involved in politics. The thinking is that politics is dirty and the preacher man is supposed to be clean, therefore the two should not mix. This essay will not be concerned with proving the fallacy behind this thinking because it is clear to the well discerning that if anyone is needed at all to sanitize an unclean system, it should naturally be someone who is clean. I would rather be showing the advantages of having a Christian preacher not only involved in partisan politics but also actively taking sides on political divides. I must state however that not all preachers will see the need to be involved in politics but for those who do, particularly with pure
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Buhari/Jonathan |
The Christian Preacher is first of all a minister of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news of what God did in Christ in reconciling sinners to himself. The news says that every man born of a woman is born a rebel against God. As a rebel, he is destined towards earning God's wrath in eternal perdition - hell. The reason being that God is a just God and will punish every sin that man commits - big or small. The same God who set up this system of Justice then brought himself under judgment so that sinful man might not earn the judgment and wrath of God. God was in Christ when he came to the world and died for the sins of all men. So that in the same manner with which the lamb takes away the sin of a community under Moses' law, so did Jesus become the sacrificial Lamb of God that will take away the sins of the whole world. The preacher's primary duty is to point all men to the cross of Jesus Christ. With the hope that some will acknowledge the works of God in Christ on the cross, confess their sins and believe in Jesus Christ to save them from their sins. This is the good news of Jesus Christ: "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved…" (Acts 16:31). The reality, however, is that the gospel message is to be preached to men who live in the flesh and who have needs that must be met. Men who are hungry, sick or who live in crisis ridden environment cannot hear the gospel. Thus the bible teaches: 1
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth - 1 Timothy 4.
Gospel acceptability is closely linked to man's social environment. Therefore, while the Christian minister must preach Jesus Christ and him crucified, he must also support any legal means that will lead people to live in an environment that is quiet, peaceable, devoid of oppression, and one where justice prevails. These was what a man like Martin Luther King Jnr understood when, as a Christian minister, he led protests against segregation until the American society set up laws that made racism illegal. Today, a black man rules the United States of America. Everyone knows that Barack Obama is simply reaping the fruit of the labor of men like Dr King.
Today, Nigeria stands on the threshold of history. Our fathers had bequeathed a society that is free from British colonial rule. So that the people of Nigeria could govern themselves and determine their own destiny by themselves, while enjoying the blessings of the resources that God had given them. This is peace and quiet. Then a time came in this nation when it was thought that the civilian public could not rule themselves, except the military, the man with the gun, helped them. God be praised that on May 29th 1999, Nigeria witnessed a transition from military rule to civilian rule. Since then we have successfully transmitted power from one civilian government to another. All of these encouraging peace and quiet in our midst.
Then suddenly it seems that a cabal had held this country hostage. A political party by the name of the People's Democratic Party (PDP) held the nation to ransom. So that for sixteen years, after military rule, this party held sway. They kept sharing the dividends of democracy mostly amongst their members while the man on the streets languished in poverty. This is what informed the preacher man to of necessity join the political discuss and support the candidacy of General Muhammadu Buhari of the All Progressive Congress to root out the PDP from power. And God be praised that the presidential election of March 28th 2015 saw the emergence of an opposition party, defeating an incumbent president. Today the future of Nigeria speaks of peace and quiet.
These are the reasons the preacher must be involved in politics. Thankfully, the running mate of General Buhari is himself a Pastor - Prof. Yemi Osinbajo. Other preachers may not branch into full time politicking like Osinbajo but all of us owe it to the people we pastor to support progressive ideologies that have within them the capacity to better the lives of the people. What is the use of a Christian minister who preaches a sound gospel to a congregation on what Christ Jesus has done on the cross while more than half of the congregation are either hungry, jobless, without education, without medical care, or without hope? He could as well be speaking to the wind.
I, as a minister of Jesus Christ, did not consider my ministry complete until I could see a government come into power that will better the lives of the people I oversea for Jesus. And I am thankful to God that most of the people who look to me for spiritual admonition canvassed actively for Gen. Muhammadu Buhari. When our story shall be told tomorrow, we would be able to say that we did not join the bandwagon of lies that taught that Buhari was coming to Islamize the Nigerian nation. We did not, for one second, believe the false prophecy of Buhari loosing this election. We studied the man Buhari beyond his tribe and religion and came to the firm conclusion that he possesses the qualities to lead this nation out of the dept of corruption and insecurity she has found herself. We saw in the APC manifesto a workable document for a better Nigeria.
The duty of Mr. Preacher is not ended.
As much as we have supported Buhari to becoming president, we shall pray and trust
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The People's General |
Long live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the land of the living.
Praise the Lord!